Pay for network fees with any asset from the list below. Make sure you have at least $1 worth of the token. Learn more
Pay for network fees with any asset from the list below. Make sure you have at least $1 worth of the token. Learn more
Pool fee
Pool fee is the spread that the AMM pool operates on. If you are an LP, this is the % of rewards you generate off each trade. Can only be set on pool creation.
Slippage Tolernace
By setting slippage tolerance, you set a limit on your LP deposit ratios, whether higher or lower than the rate shown in the interface. Slippage tolerance is set as a percentage of the total liquidity ratios.
Change pool fee
Changing this pool's fee will incur a 0.1% tax on your LP holdings.
Select asset
Select asset
LP error!
Pay for network fees with any asset from the list below. Make sure you have at least $1 worth of the token. Learn more